Worm weeeeeeeeek!

Whew! May is always crazy busy!
I've allllllmost made it through! Yesterday was Ella's {first ever!} dance recital...and while it is amazing and awesome to see her up on stage it was 6 hours of watching girls perform and running around backstage like crazy! There were 2 performances so it was an all day event. I'm exhausted! Thank goodness it's only once a year!

Now... on to worm week! My absolute favorite thing to teach all year long! Read my post about it last year.  It is so fun and engaging and who doesn't love to investigate  real live worms?! (It's always the boys who are squirmy about it! LOL!)

After doing everything from last year's post, we made the cutie patootie little worm glyphs. I *love* this time of year in Kinder- the kids can read, they're independent and you can actually let them loose for a while to work on projects! I set this up in a station this week and let my kids have at it.
{Here are my examples}
After they all created their little worms, we went to work looking at data from our glyphs. We completed the "find a friend" sheets in my glyph packet.
If you're interested in this glyph- I have a little mini-pack that goes along with "Diary of a Worm" (we're reading it next week). Check it out HERE.

Have a fabulous week!


  1. Oh for goodness sakes those worms are adorable! The kids must have had a blast investigating squirmy wormies! Eeek!

    New Teaching Video Up: Memory Binders for the end of the year!
    Sprinkle Teaching Magic Blog

  2. We're doing worms THIS week! I love those slimy, squirmy guys...and the kids' excitement is so contagious!! Your worm glyphs are CUTE!

    You are sooooo close to summer!!

    ABCs and PolkaDots

  3. Love the worm activities (especially the glyph!!) Gave you a shout over at my blog through a linky party!

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  4. Oh my gosh Nicole I'm dying over the cuteness of your worms...seriously! Hope your week is great - I know your kids will have a blast. :o)
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After


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