I just ordered some new clipart from KPM doodles {just LOVE her work!} so while I'm anxiously awaiting for her to send it, I made a few little things for the beginning of the year next year. I bought some birthday certificates for this year but these are just as cute and for free!
Click on the picture to download!
I also made this little alphabet order worksheet to use - some of my kids would still benefit from this now! It is cut and paste so if you need something to keep your kids busy it works perfect :)
{click picture to take you to the download}
I have some play - doh mats already where the kids roll the play doh into snakes and make the number with it but they're pretty worn out and have seen better days! So I made a more fresh looking mat - they can be used with dry erase markers also to practice tallies.
{click picture to take you to the download}
I would love it if you rated my products on TpT - I need some love! :)
Hope you have a fantastic Saturday - we have a wedding tonight so I'm off to get ready!

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