Day 5!

Hi friends!
It's been a busy day! We're squishing in all the last minute things we didn't get to do all week into one day! ;) We went to lunch with my parents, one of my friends came over to visit, and then we went to the park with another one of our sweet friends and their little twin boys! SO much fun! 

This is also the last day of my data tracking freebies! I hope you snagged up the graphs yesterday! Today I have some "goals" sheets- that is what we call them in my district. We have GOALS meetings at the very beginning of the year- we have to conference with every last parent and go over what our expectations are for the year. It's time consuming for sure but great to get to know all the parents and learn a little bit more about the kids.

So, this is what I used {similar} to give to the parents along with general information about our goals for the year. Parents are always shocked to hear that we expect them to read 20! words per minute by then end of the year. And they do! 

These sheets would also be great to lead student conferences and to have students fill out themselves for the next month/quarter/six weeks/ etc.. as you go!
 {click HERE to snag them up! Tomorrow they will be in my packet for sale on TpT!}



  1. Thanks for sharing your freebies this week!


    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  2. Thanks so much for sharing all your freebies this week! They're great and I can't wait to be able to start using them soon. Enjoy your break!


    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

  3. Thanks Nicole!

    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

  4. Sigh...our Spring Break is still 3 weeks away. Thanks for sharing all the great freebies this week!

  5. Yay! I am so pumped about this data notebook! Thanks so much for sharing! Have fun going to school on Monday!

  6. Love this data packet you're creating!


Thanks for taking the time to chat with me!

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